Platypus Communication

Top 5 things on how Platypuses communicate!

  1. Platypuses have a variety of sounds that they use to communicate.  When they are disturbed, they may make soft growling sounds, like that of a puppy. Aw!
  2. Despite the duck like bill of a platypus, platypuses do not make a quacking sound.
  3. The Platypus uses special chemicals to attract opposite gender platypuses.
  4. The Platypus uses touch to communicate by showing affection and by showing a predator that it can defend itself.
  5. Unlike any other mammal on this planet, platypuses have the curious ability to perceive underwater prey using underwater detection referred to as electroreception.  Electroreception allows platypuses to use electrical impulses to locate objects in the deepest and darkest of waters. Wow!
